Book now

Please note the online booking system is currently under maintenance. To book an appointment call the clinics directly. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

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Chat Sexual Health

Click here for more information about our confidential text messaging service for Bradford, Kirklees, Stockport and Tameside residents.

Please note this is not an appointment booking service. 

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Clinics and Locations

Click here for information about our clinics and locations. 

For information regarding M-Pox please click here. 


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Contact Us

To book an appointment please contact us on:

030 3330 9981

Our phone lines in Kirklees are open Monday to Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8am-3:30pm.

030 3330 9500

Our phone lines in Bradford are open Monday to Thursday 8am-5pm, and Friday 8am-4:15pm. 

0161 507 9460

Our phone lines in Tameside are open Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:00pm (excluding bank holidays). 

0161 507 9492

Our phone lines in Stockport are open Monday - Friday 8:30am-4pm (excluding bank holidays). The Choices Centre, Stockport will be Closed on a Thursday until further notice, our phone lines will remain open.

Our phone lines are closed between 12-1pm everyday. 

Wigan and Leigh
01942 949 167

Our phone lines are open Monday to Wednesday 8:30am-6:30pm and Thursday to Friday 8:30am-3:30pm (excluding bank holidays). 

You can contact the Sexual Health Outreach and Prevention Team on:

030 3330 9497

033 3043 6219

This service operates a 24 hour voicemail service. 

Please visit our 'Professionals' page here to contact the Outreach Service in Stockport and Tameside.

Have a query? Why not have a look at our FAQs page to see if it answers your questions.


STI Online testing

Bradford and Kirklees 

SH:24 offer a free and discreet STI (sexually transmitted infections) testing service for Bradford and Kirklees residents over the age of 16. Visit the SH24 website to see if you're eligible to order a free home testing kit.

Alternatively, you can collect a free STI testing kit if you live in the Bradford area from Howard House, Bradford.

Please note: the numbers of test kits available daily is limited.

Visit SH24

Stockport and Tameside 

SH:24 offer a free and discreet STI (sexually transmitted infections) testing service for Stockport and Tameside residents over the age of 25. Visit the SH24 website to see if you're eligible to order a free home testing kit.

Visit SH24

Please note: the numbers of test kits available daily is limited.

Brook offer a free and discreet STI (sexually transmitted infections) testing service for Stockport and Tameside residents between the ages 16 and 24. Visit the Brook website to see if you're eligible to order a free home testing kit.

Visit Brook

Free Testing HIV offer a free and discreet HIV testing service for Stockport and Tameside residents. Visit Free HIV Testing

Wigan and Leigh

SH:24 offer a free and discreet STI (sexually transmitted infections) testing service for Wigan and Leigh residents over the age of 16. Visit the SH24 website to see if you're eligible to order a free home testing kit.

Please note: the numbers of test kits available daily is limited.

Visit SH24

Have you been sexually assaulted?

Sexual assault can happen to men or women of any age. You could have been attacked by a male or female, a stranger or someone you know, and a sexual assault can take place anywhere, including in your home or workplace. If you've been sexually assaulted there are services that can help you. 

Here are a few websites for support:

Bradford and Kirklees

The Hazelhurst Centre

Kirklees & Calderdale Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre

Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership

Survivors UK (male rape/sexual abuse)

Stockport and Tameside 

St Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Manchester Rape Crisis

Survivors Manchester

Victim Support

Wigan and Leigh

St Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Victim Support


What to expect

Find out what you can expect when you visit one of our sexual health clinics.

Find out more

Useful Links

Links to website on a wide range of sexual health concerns.

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Advice & Information

Articles, leaflets and other information on a wide range of sexual health concerns.

Find out more

Your local Sexual Health service









Wigan & Leigh


What Our Patients Say

Patients are regularly asked about their experience. Locala respects the privacy of our patients and their carers and is committed to listening to a diverse population. Therefore our surveys are anonymous and include equality and diversity questions for monitoring purposes only. 

Get Involved with

We’re committed to our patients and the wider community being at the heart of all that we do. We want to hear what our patients and communities are saying, and involve you in how our  services are delivered. There are lots of ways to get involved including:

Becoming a community member

Be better informed about Locala and our services, nominate yourself to be part of the Locala Members’ Council and take part in engagement activity.

Volunteering to work directly with our services

You can use your skills and experiences to support our services and benefit our patients.

Being a youth network member

For 11 to 19 year olds, we have a youth network with young people invited to consider the health, wellbeing and community issues that affect them.